NeverBlock, trivial non-blocking IO for Ruby

11/6 5:15-6:00 @ Room1 by W. Idris Yasser

このセッションでは、neverblock ( を紹介する。neverblock は透過的にノンブロッキング I/O を実現する新しいライブラリである。Ruby あるいは Rails のウェブアプリでどのように透過的に並列I/Oができるかをお見せしたい。

Ruby1.9 Fibers のちょっとした紹介と、透過的並列性を実現するのにそれがどのように NeverBlock で使われているかもみてみよう。

About W. Idris Yasser

Yasser is a technical lead at eSpace. He has more than five years of experience in software engineering. Specifically passioned with theory and algorithms. Working on his masters thesis on the "Invariance of Huffman Codes" problem. He initially worked with C++, , moved on to developing for mobile devices(PPC's), and then had been doing J2EE applications for two years. Currently, for almost a year and a half, he has been leading teams of Ruby on Rails web 2.0 projects and also contributing to eSpace's iPhone development efforts.